Sponsorship Opportunities

Through sponsorship of a CCHRA breakfast event, HR consultants, vendors, and service providers have the opportunity to connect with CCHRA membership to market their companies and increase their visibility.

CCHRA holds monthly breakfast events that target HR professionals and their organizations. These meetings provide you a unique opportunity to introduce your products and services directly to HR professionals. CCHRA holds 10 meetings annually, generally on the 4th Thursday of the month in Hyannis.

Each month there is a featured speaker; and breakfast is served, allowing time for members to network before business gets underway.

Each meeting will have one sponsor – available on a first-come, first-served basis.  As a sponsor, you will receive:

  • Your logo and link to your company’s website on the CCHRA website and social media.
  • Sponsorship announcement included in 2 email blasts, reflecting your logo and link to your website.
  • 5 minutes of podium time at the beginning of the meeting.
  • Opportunity to distribute handouts at the meeting.
  • Opportunity to collect contact information at the meeting.
  • One complimentary guest registration for the meeting you sponsor.

The cost of the sponsorship opportunity is $300.   This is a great opportunity to connect with HR Professionals.  Please email info@cchraonline.com