As a member of CCHRA you will have:
- Access to events focused on education, networking, and cutting-edge topics
- Included in the HR Leaders and Leadership Table membership levels
- Available at a discounted rate for Networkers membership level
- Legal and legislative updates
- Newsletters
- Leadership and volunteer opportunities
- Virtual and in gratis hours with Attorney Michael Foley
See our Current and Past Events.
Individuals can register today. If you are interested in the Leadership Table Membership, please have a representative from your HR department contact us at info@cchraonline.com.
- The Networkers Membership Level supports HR-focused employees, students preparing for a career in Human Resources, and HR professionals transitioning between employers.
- Must meet one of the following:
- • HR professional that is currently employed in or seeking employment in an HR related field
- • Member of a student chapter affiliated with SHRM
- • Active student enrolled full- or part-time in the equivalent of at least six (6) credit hours per semester at an accredited university or college
- • HR professional that is currently seeking employment in an HR related field
- • HR degree graduate currently seeking employment in an HR related field
- Additional Meeting Fee - Yes - Regular meetings - generally $25 - 35 per meeting
- The HR Leader Membership Level supports HR-focused employees, leaders, consultants, lawyers and others who show a bona fide interest in human resource management and the mission of CCHRA.
- Must meet one of the following:
- • Company employee that handles human resource-related duties as part of their job
- • Currently employed in the field of Human Resource Management
- • Certified by the Human Resources Certification Institute (HRCI) and/or the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
- • Faculty member holding an assistant, associate or full professor rank in human resource management or any of its specialized functions at an accredited college or university
- • Offer a human resources-related product or service
- • 3+ years experience in consulting to clients on human resources matters
- • 3+ years experience in counseling clients on employment or labor laws
- • Individuals who do not meet the criteria of any other membership category but show a bona fide interest in human resource management and the mission of CCHRA
- Additional Meeting Fee - No - All regular meetings are included in the cost of the membership.
- The Leadership Table Level supports companies that maintain 3 memberships and will save $150 annually by purchasing a group membership.
- *For companies with additional prospective members, please reach out directly to CCHRA to discuss additional membership levels.
- All 3 prospective members must meet one of the following:
- • Company employee that handles human resource-related duties as part of their job
- • Currently employed in the field of Human Resource Management
- • Certified by the Human Resources Certification Institute (HRCI) and/or the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
- • Faculty member holding an assistant, associate or full professor rank in human resource management or any of its specialized functions at an accredited college or university
- • Offer a human resources-related product or service
- • 3+ years experience in consulting to clients on human resources matters
- • 3+ years experience in counseling clients on employment or labor laws
- • Individuals who do not meet the criteria of any other membership category but show a bona fide interest in human resource management and the mission of CCHRA
- Additional Meeting Fees - No - All regular meetings are included in the price of the membership
Before your membership is about to expire, you will be sent an email that will take you to a screen to renew your membership.
Anytime you have a change in your profile you are able to login and make the the necessary changes.
We offer many programs from breakfast meetings, to networking sessions in order to help our members keep up with the latest Human Resources issues and to find others to share our experiences.
Your password can be retrieved by clicking on Forgot Password on the login page, if you do not remember your user name, you will need to send an email to info@cchraonline.com.
Your membership is good for 12 months from the date of effectiveness.
We are always looking for help on any of our committees, for more information regarding the various committees available to volunteer on please check out the membership tab of the website under volunteer.
No, we do not rent or sell any members contact information.
CCHRA is affiliated with NEHRA and does at times offer discounted rates if you join both CCHRA and NEHRA. If you are a member of NEHRA you would also be eligible to receive a membership discount with SHRM.
Attending registrants will be provided with HRCI documentation of program.
This committee shall advise the Directors in advance on the selection or termination of members and ensure that procedures are in effect to hear an appeal of actions affecting individual members adversely. The committee shall provide ideas for development of membership; provide new members with orientation to acquaint them with the nature and purpose of the association; provide input and recommendations to the Directors and members regarding EEO/Affirmative Action and networking; and develop relationships with key individuals and agencies in the community.
This committee will choose techniques for communicating programs and purposes of the association, including news releases, articles, public service announcements, letters to target audience members and community leaders, flyers, data sheets, pictures and other communication to media, organizations, and other target groups. The committee shall build a complete and current list of media.
This committee, before presenting any person for election as an officer, shall obtain an indication of willingness to serve in the position to which elected. Candidates for office shall have been a member of the association for one year. Other properly qualified members may be nominated from the floor, if such nomination is seconded. Election shall be by a majority of members eligible and voting, and the person receiving the largest number of votes all be elected. A secret ballot may be requested and if approval is voted, it shall be held. The Committee shall also assist the President in identifying members willing to serve as Committee Chairs.
This committee will conduct an annual survey of the members’ training needs, topics of interest to members and develop cost effective programs to coincide with this survey, provide a forum for discussion, information and training in human resource management, employment policies and practices and related matters focusing on the professional development of the membership. The Committee may hold periodic conferences and workshops based upon the needs and interests of the membership.
This committee recommends and administers a program providing association funds to appropriate individuals who are pursuing, or plan to pursue, training or education in the field of HR management.
This committee reviews the by-laws periodically, to assure association adherence to these by-laws and recommend changes appropriate to the membership.